Contacts & Directions
The Franklin Public School District is an exemplary K4 -12 district that is nestled in the southwest corner of Milwaukee County. The district educates about 4,700 students annually in its seven unique schools.
Education and Community Center (District Office)
8255 West Forest Hill Avenue Franklin, WI 53132
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Superintendent - Annalee Bennin
Administrative Assistant to the District Administrator & School Board - Darlene Pichler
Communications Specialist - Chad Kafka
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30a-4:00p
Ph. 414-529-8220
Fx. 414-529-8230
Ben Franklin Elementary
7620 S. 83rd St.
Franklin, WI 53132
Get a map/directions.
Principal - Jordan Hein
Main Office Secretary - Jennifer Russell
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8a-4p
Ph. 414-529-8270
Fx. 414-529-8274
Country Dale Elementary
7380 S. North Cape Rd.
Franklin, WI 53132
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Principal - Jan Nickel
Main Office Secretary - Terri Tubbs
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8a-4p
Ph. 414-529-8240
Fx. 414-529-8242
Pleasant View Elementary
4601 W. Marquette Ave.
Franklin, WI 53132
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Principal - Ashley Imperiale
Main Office Secretary - Ann Devereaux
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:45a-3:45p
Ph. 414-423-4650
Fx. 414-423-4653
Robinwood Elementary
10705 W. Robinwood Ln.
Franklin, WI 53132
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Principal - Lydia Sesing
Main Office Secretary - Deb Niestrom
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8a-4p
Ph. 414-529-8255
Fx. 414-529-8256
Southwood Glen Elementary
9090 S. 35th St.
Franklin, WI 53132
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Principal - Bridget Mowbray
Main Office Secretary - Stephanie Genke
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8a-4p
Ph. 414-761-1181
Fx. 414-761-1755
Forest Park Middle School
8225 W. Forest Hill Ave.
Franklin, WI 53132
Get a map/directions.
Principal - Jenna Rosienski
Main Office Secretary - Betsy Halat
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7a-3:30p
Ph. 414-529-8250
Fx. 414-529-2428
Franklin High School
8222 S. 51st St.
Franklin, WI 53132
Get a map/directions.
Principal – Mike Vuolo
Main Office Secretary - Sue Alton
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7p-3p
Ph. 414-423-4640
Fx. 414-421-0558
Summer Office Hours
When school is not in session, the school district is open at specified hours during the summer months. Please contact us for any questions while students are not in session.
Summer Office Hours Per Location (2024)
*Office staff is regularly checking voicemail messages
1. ECC - District Office - 414-529-8220*
- (Summer Hours) Mon-Thurs June 17th through August 30th: 7am-3:30pm
- Note: ECC District Office is closed to the public on Fridays during this time
- Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (the first day of school), the ECC District Office will resume normal office hours
2. Franklin High School Office - 414-423-4640*
- (Summer Hours) Mon-Thurs June 17th through August 30th: 7am-3:30pm
- Note: FHS Main Office is closed to the public on Fridays during this time
- Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (the first day of school), Franklin High School will resume normal office hours
- Main FHS Entrance - Please visit the main entrance where someone will accept registration forms or other items that need to be submitted to our office staff.
3. Forest Park Middle School Office - 414-529-8250*
- (Summer Hours) Mon-Thurs June 17th through August 30th: 7am-3:30pm
- Note: Forest Park is closed to the public on Fridays during this time
- Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (the first day of school), Forest Park Middle School will resume normal office hours
4. Elementary School Offices
- (Summer Hours) Mon-Thurs August 1st through August 30th: 7am-3:30pm
- Note: Elementary Offices are closed to the public on Fridays during this time
- Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (the first day of school), all elementary buildings will resume normal office hours
- Please contact the ECC for any questions or to drop off paperwork when the Elementary Buildings are closed.
- Ben Franklin - 414-529-8270
- Country Dale - 414-529-8240
- Pleasant View - 414-423-4650
- Robinwood - 414-529-8255
- Southwood Glen - 414-761-1181