Mental Health

Franklin Public Schools is engaged in the ongoing development of our Comprehensive School Mental System in alignment with the Department of Public Instruction's Wisconsin School Mental Health Framework guidance. We provide school-based mental health services that include practices to address a continuum of needs: universal strategies to promote the social and emotional development of all students; selected strategies to support students at risk of or with mild mental health challenges; and intensive, ongoing strategies to support those with significant needs.

The foundation of School Based Mental Health services in our district involves universal Social and Emotional Learning practices. These universal supports create the structure for positive relationships, a climate of safety and belonging in all classrooms, and support for the skills students need to be successful in school and life. These conditions and skills in turn support equitable learning for each student.  

In order to meet the needs of students who may need additional support beyond universal practice, we use a systematic process to identify, design interventions, and follow up with students struggling with social, emotional, and mental health concerns. Student services staff, including school psychologists, school counselors and school social workers are available in each building to help design and implement supports based on student needs.  Examples of services provided could include individual or small group counseling related to anxiety/anger management, social skills development, self-regulation, grief/loss, and study/organizational skills. These staff members can also coordinate care with community providers.

Click here to see a list of Student Services Staff that work with our students and families.

Aurora Student and Family Assistance
In addition to our school-based services we have established a partnership with Aurora for their Student and Family Assistance Program.  This is available to ALL students and members of their households within our district at no cost to them and provides access to up to (4) free one-hour sessions with a licensed counselor per issue on a variety of topics related to mental health along with other services like legal and financial consultation. Click here for more information.

Clinical Psychology Associates
Clinical Psychology Associates continues to provide therapeutic services at their onsite clinics located within Country Dale, Pleasant View, Forest Park Middle School, and Franklin High School. See this website for more information. 

Additional Community Resources can be found here