Participating in Board Meetings
With the exception of duly noticed closed sessions of the FPS School Board, all School Board meetings are open to the public and noticed in accordance with the Open Meetings Law. Franklin Public Schools School Board encourages citizens of the Franklin Public School District and parents/guardians of Franklin Public School students to be active participants.
Opportunities for Citizen Participation
There are multiple opportunities for citizens to address the FPS School Board.
Community Comment: At the beginning of each session of the regular meetings, the Board sets aside up to 15 minutes for citizens of the Franklin Public School District and parents/guardians of Franklin Public School students to bring subjects of concern.
Letters and Emails: The board welcomes letters and emails from citizens. A letter/email addressed to the Board president should be copied to all members and the Superintendent.
Telephone Calls: Because members of the Board do not have offices, Board members welcome calls from citizens at their homes.
General Conduct
Members of the public who attend meetings of the FPS School Board should be mindful of the official nature of the proceedings and that the president of the FPS School Board is the presiding official. Loud outbursts, demonstrations, or other activities determined by the Chairman to be disruptive to the proceedings are prohibited during meetings. Members of the public may address the Board when called upon to do so by the Chairman. Members of the public are asked to refrain from having conversations in the Board room while a School Board meeting is in session.